Many of you email and ask MSL, “How can my band get involved with Music
Saves Lives?” Here is a simple way that can help support MSL and get your
band heard by many top music industry representatives.
Music Saves Lives has approved this service and found it
to be a great time savings for bands.
We want to thank Band Boot Camp for donating and wanting
to save lives through this service to bands. We also want you and your
band to achieve your dreams. If your band blows up from your efforts with
Band Boot Camp then we blow up with you.
Band Boot Camp has graciously offered their Band Industry Recognition Service to
those that contact Music Saves Lives directly and will donate half the cost of
this service to Music Saves Lives. This is a Win / Win for both MSL and
your Band.
This is why MSL wants you
to know about this service for bands.
This is Not a
contest where you submit
your music for a mere "chance" to be heard. We do Not intend to sell
your music, or retain ANY rights to your song(s). If you want an effective
way to gain more exposure to recording companies, Film and Music supervisors,
Music Publishers, Booking agents, Music Blogs, podcasts and managers,
that's exactly what we will do for you. You will receive 5 written critiques of your music by 5 different
Music Executives. Guaranteed. Where else can you
get your songs “Heard”, professionally evaluated and “Save
Lives” at the same time!
WHAT’S INCLUDED: The Step by Step List of Services and Benefits!
1. Professional Song Evaluations: a full
professional written evaluation of your song from five (5) industry
professionals. They will personally listen and critique your song.
This will allow your band to know the direction that the industry views
your music. It will evaluate every aspect of the song and give you ideas to
build on.
2. We will include your song on a Monthly Music Hit
List. This is an on-line
hit page for industry sampling. This private industry link is sent with
notes about the bands and the music featured on the hit list for that month.
3. Next we add your information
on a Band And Artist Description Sheet which will include bio, picture, contact
info etc...
4. You benefit from great exposure along with potential,
reviews, and other opportunities when we send out your song: We send to our established
Contacts within the Music Industry, including record companies,and film
& T.V. production companies looking for new music.
5. Build new
connections with the Music Industry contacts, plus the other
participating Bands and Artists.
Reach even more listeners from valuable
cross-promotion Every time another Band or Artist and even Music Saves
Lives promotes at!
6. We blast the page to over 100 search engines and
directories online. We also promote your music through our own
company exposure online (ex: Google, Yahoo!, Myspace, etc.) and the Music Saves
Lives Newsletter sent to thousands of email subscribers. Each month
Music Saves Lives will promote the bands that have signed up by a special featured
section called “What’s New to Listen To.”
COST: The cost is $200.00 and $100.00 will be donated
to Music Saves Lives.
We guarantee your space
for our next project or your money back. The Band Boot Camp /
Music Saves Lives promotion presents higher quality music to the Music
Industry. We reserve the right to refuse service to those who we feel will not
benefit from our best efforts. Therefore, we will not hesitate to send
back your registration fee if we feel your music is not appropriate.
In addition,