September 17th, 2010 at the UPROAR tour date in Irvine, Ca you will have a chance to save Nergal, and others, with life threatening issues by committing to the National Marrow Program.
Music Saves Lives is partnering with BE THE MATCH, a national marrow program registration organization, and they will be registering people inside the venue. Because of this you must have a ticket to the show in order to register at UPROAR. If you will not be attending the show and would still like to register, please go to www.bethematch.organd enter the promo code "uproar2010" when prompted.
Your first duty is to learn, and understand, what it is to be part of the marrow registry. Go to to learn more about what you are committing to.
The actual cost to register for the marrow program is $100.00 per type matching. We are NOT requiring you pay the full amount, but we encourage that you please, give what you can. Your gift to Be The Match helps cover the cost of adding each new member to the Be The Match Registry. Be The Match replies on your generous contributions so more people can join the registry, giving more patients hope for a cure. Thank You.
You can support Music Saves Lives life efforts to educate people about life saving actions by donating to Music Saves Lives here.
So we can make sure to accommodate you, and to confirm your commitment to registering, we would like you to email us your contact info at You can also email us at if you have any questions regarding marrow donation, the UPROAR Festival, Be The Match or Music Saves Lives please email
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