Tuesday, July 03, 2012

I needed blood in a BAD way!

Emily Tantuccio – denim jacket – is a Blood transfusion recipient.  She was diagnosed last summer with a Factor 7 clotting deficiency and needed many transfusions of platelets and red cells.   She now encourages everyone she knows to donate and is helping out and recruiting donors for several Music Saves Lives blood drives, including the EB one, that brought in many donors.  She lives in Old Bridge NJ with her friend Traci Rubin.  They worked together on the blood drives while in school at North Brunswick High School and is a regular donor.  They are both volunteers for this Music Saves Lives / Vans Warped Tour drive.   They were so successful recruiting donors, spreading the word at the mall, and helping out at the drive.
 You Can Still Donate for VIP check out www.musicsaveslives.org/donate.php 

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