Dear Russel, It's officially fall and the 2012 Vans Warped Tour Dates are posted! The business of saving lives never slows here at MSL and we've already begun planning for tours next summer as well as some new things this spring that you'll have to look out for. If you haven't already, it's time to go donate blood again if you donated this summer! This email is full of all new things including a SPRING BREAK CONTEST so take a moment to read it.
The Last Few Shirts Are Going Fast. Saving Lives Never LOOKED So Good Everyone needs to check out our brand new collaboration t-shirt with Glamour Kills! GK has been supporting Music Saves Lives for a while now, putting our download cards and buttons in their orders, and we couldn't be more excited about this shirt! Doesn't it look awesome!?! Go to their website to pick one up and be the best looking person in your town!
When you get your shirt take a picture of yourself at a concert wearing it and you will be entered to win a set of MSL Wristbands! Everyone loves accessorizing! Email the photo to for a chance to win!!!
WIN a Trip To The British Virgin Islands for Spring Break with The Yacht Week.  What more can we say? The Yacht Week, and Vans Warped Tour along with Charity Splits has really committed to helping Music Saves Lives raise the needed funds to make a huge dent in next years life saving programs. If you are over 18, love sailing, enjoy having a great time, and can find $10.00 to have an amazing chance at a trip that will be in your memories forever, then click below to sign up and WIN. |
Don't Be A Twit! We'd like to introduce you to TwitPay! A new and smart way to fund-raise and purchase cool stuff via twitter. Music Saves Lives will be utilizing Twitpay more soon, offering you exclusive content and opportunities that you can only get through TwitPay. Thursday we will be tweeting the UP SIZE Campaign. The idea is that instead of ordering your drive through Up Size take that 1.00 and donate to MSL. Take a 1 min and click on the video below to see how it works. You can sign up ahead of time and then you are ready to go.
Russel, I first want to thank everyone for all the support. Randi, our very cool summer intern, has taken on a new task at home in MN. She is building our street team across the US. Please email her if you would like to be out at concerts and festivals in your city. Last, I want to encourage you to support MSL with a donation of any size. This is the time we raise funds to support of life saving efforts. If you have been touched by a program we have offered, then it's your time to give back. Click the donation button on the right side and show the love.
Sincerely, Russel Hornbeek Team MSL |
Be Informed MSL News is still LIVE every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Chat with us live and catch up on all Music Saves Lives happenings. We've got interviews, special guests and giveaways. Viewers fuel the show with the chat and we can't do it without you! Go to every Tuesday evening! |
Bracelets are Back! Our most popular merch item, the Music Saves Lives heart and headphone bracelets, are back in our Online Store. The bracelets were even featured in the newest Alternative Press Magazine! Click the picture below to go the store! |
Join the Team We are re-launching our Official Music Saves Lives Street Team! Ever wanted to volunteer but schedule or location wouldn't permit it? Do you want MSL merch but for some reason can't get it right now! The MSL Street Team may be the thing for you. Complete mostly online missions in exchange for points that you can redeem for free stuff!
Email and let them know you want to join! |
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